Blog #2

Lend me your ears – Here is my advice on teaching students’ digital citizenship

From steam powered cars to Tesla’s, from the first ENIAC machine to laptops, from rotary phones to iPhones, technology is continuing to progress at a rapid rate. In the 21st century, there is no denying that students are going to be surrounded by technology and required to utilize it at some point. As a result, we must take into consideration, “…how best to prepare young people for the technological, social, cultural and political changes they face in a world that is increasingly characterised by local diversity and global connectedness.” (O’Rourke, 2005). This includes teaching individuals how to be digitally literate and teaching them digital citizenship. I believe there are four main areas to teaching students these life skills: Teaching them how to (a) “Actively read, reflect on and analyze texts (multimodal-visual, audio etc.) to uncover underlying meanings…” (Manning-Lewis, 2021), (b) protect themselves and their information online, (c) communicate and collaborate respectfully, and (d) balance their physical and digital lives. 

Photo by MediaSmarts

The first thing that I think is important is to help students understand how to find credible sources and how to actively read and understand them. A study put out by Stanford stated that out of 7,804 individuals that were surveyed, “82% were unable to tell an ad marked as “sponsored content” apart from a real news story, and many said they judged the credibility of news based on how much detail was given or whether a large photo had been included, rather than on the source.” (Stenger, 2017). This statistic is quite scary when you think about all the fake news that is put out on the internet. My advice is to incorporate lesson(s) with your students explaining basic tips such as looking for quotes, going directly to the source, checking the date of an article, checking for source objectivity, and using a variety of sources, such as talking to experts, to ensure your information is correct. Simple lessons and practice with aspects like this can help ensure that students know how to sift through information and find credible sources. There are many programs and resources online that you can use to teach these skills such as Common Sense Education and MediaSmarts.

Photo by SearchRPM

Next, I think it is extremely important to teach students how to protect themselves and their information online. From cyberbullying, to predators, to privacy issuess, there are countless concerns when it comes to protecting ourselves online. Research shows that, “82% of cyber stalkers use social media to find out information about their victims.” (SearchRPM, 2019). Threats like this stress how much we need to teach individuals how to be safe online, especially since we are beginning to use technology at much younger ages. Some tips for online safety include monitoring individuals while they are using technology, installing antivirus software, using kid friendly search engines, using parental controls, and talking to children about online safety (, n.d.). One idea that I have taken from one of my mentor teachers was a lesson done on digital safety where she talked about what information is personal/unsafe to share and what information is ok to share. She did a little lesson with them explaining what type of information we should not share online and then had a game where each student got a piece of paper with some sort of information on it (ie: “my address is….” Or “my favourite book is…”) and then they worked together as a group to decide if belonged under the personal/unsafe heading or safe heading. This was really effective for the young students and got them thinking about which information they should not be sharing online.

Another important aspect concerning the internet is teaching individuals to be respectful while online. According to SearchRPM, “90% of children have seen cyber bullying in the last year.” (2019). This number is extremely high and according to Andrea Dudley, cyberbullying can cause a plethora of problems including low self-esteem, dropping grades, depression, stress that causes headaches, stomach pain, nausea etc., suicidal thoughts, and more (2020). This is just touching the surface of the negative impacts that come from cyberbullying. So how can we prevent this? First, you can work with students to develop their social emotional learning. “SEL is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.” (Prodigy, 2021). I have included a link to a website that talks in depth about SEL. In addition to this, it is important to talk about digital citizenship with students before giving them access to technology. You may consider creating some sort of contract that the kids must sign or creating a visual poster, as a class, that has a list of the rules. Finally, ensuring that students know and understand that bullying will not be tolerated is very important.

My last piece of advice is to talk to individuals about creating a healthy balance between their digital and physical lives. Studies have shown that, “On average, children ages 8-12 in the United States spend 4-6 hours a day watching or using screens, and teens spend up to 9 hours.” (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2020). It has also been shown that too much screen time can cause issues such as sleep problems, lower grades, distancing oneself from family and friends, lack of outdoor time or physical activity, weight and mood problems, body image issues, and more (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2020). As a result, it is important that we talk to children about finding a healthy balance for their screen usage. One idea to get them thinking about this is to get individuals to track their screen time so they can see how much time they really spend online. After they have tangible data that shows them how much time they really spend online, explain to them the importance of being offline and being present. Get them thinking about how getting outside, reading a book, or hanging out with friends benefits them, and how spending countless hours in front of the screen can be harmful to them. Lastly, try and encourage and model a healthy balance in the classroom and at home. At school, encourage students to be active during free times and encourage creativity in class when possible. At home, set rules and follow them yourself. Lead by example by going out for a walk or reading the newspaper instead of watching the news for an hour every evening. 

To end this blog off, I thought I would leave you with this fun and informative song you may want to share with your own students one day. It covers all the main points I discussed in the past few paragraphs. I hope you enjoy!


American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (2020, February). Screen Time and Children. 

Common Sense Education. (2021, February 23). Digital Citizenship Curriculum.–media-literacy. 

Common Sense Education. (2019, August 8). We The Digital Citizens. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Dudley, A. (2020, October 26). Effects of Cyberbullying On An Individual. CyberWise. (n.d.). Internet Safety for Kids: Teaching Kids About Internet Safety. 

Manning-Lewis, T. (2021, July 16). Literacy in a Digital Age [PowerPoint]. 

MediaSmarts. (n.d.). 

O’Rourke, M. (2005). Multiliteracies for 21st Century Schools (Ser. 2). The Australian National Schools Network Ltd. 

Prodigy. (2021, April 19). 25 Social Emotional Learning Activities & How They Promote Student Well-Being. Prodigy Education. 

SearchRPM. (2019). Internet Safety for Kids

Stenger, M. (2017, March 6). 8 Ways to Hone Your Fact-Checking Skills. informED. 

**Please note WordPress does not allow you to do hanging indents for APA formatting**

“In the news…” What are public perceptions of changing literacies in our digital age?

In the past, literacy has been viewed in a traditional sense with the focus being on reading and writing skills. Over the years, this definition has developed and is now viewed as “…a set of supple, variable, communication strategies, ever-diverging according to the cultures and social languages of technologies, functional groups, types of organization and niche clienteles.” (Cope & Kalantzis, 2009). While this change is inevitable in our developing and progressing world, the responses from the public vary immensely. While some are accepting and excited about the changing literacies in our digital age, others are fearful, worried, and even disgusted.

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

On one side of the spectrum, some individuals are excited about the digital age and the possibilities it brings. Dr. Caitlin Tucker states that, “Technology is increasingly woven into the fabric of our lives. It must also be woven into the fabric of education to help students hone the skills they need to be truly literate in today’s society.” In response to Tucker’s article, many comments were left agreeing with her stance and adding to discussion saying, “…the definition of literacy must evolve.” And “As a current (and future) educator, I see more benefits coming from having and using technology in the classroom.” (Carter, 2018). In another article written by Liana Loewus, she explains that “Just like we teach nonfiction and fiction at a very young age, I think we can talk to preschoolers and kindergartners about different kinds of texts…” (2016). She believes that there is no harm in exploring the changing literacies of our world, and that we should be developing all types of literacy “simultaneously” from the get-go. She leaves us with one final message that I think sums out the various articles and comments I read from people who are excited about the changing literacies and that is that “…reading isn’t just reading print text anymore. Reading is reading the world.” Those who accept and are excited about the changing literacies realize that the world has evolved, and we must evolve with it.

Photo by Bruce Mars on Unsplash

On the other side of the spectrum, some reactions towards changing literacies are not as positive as the ones viewed in the paragraph above. From beliefs that changing literacies have negative impacts, to the fear of not being proficient, to the sadness and resistance of change itself, some of the perceptions circling our changing literacies are adversative. The first common criticism we see from the public is their belief that the changing literacies have negative impacts on humanity. In an article written by Maria Yienger, she states that, “Overexposure to technology can adversely affect reading habits, and negatively impact development and personal interactions during a child’s formative years.” (2016). This is one of many who argue this viewpoint. Another common theme that arises from the public is their fear of not being proficient and/or equip to teach in our digital age. Wili Liberman stated that, “…a study in the United States, reported that 42% of teachers surveyed felt that students knew more about technology and its uses than they did. Factor in the lack of relevant professional development as well as a lack of access in certain regions, then it isn’t difficult to make the leap that some teachers are reluctant to move forward with technology integration in their classrooms.” (2018). Finally, we have the people who simply do not like change. They are comfortable in their ways and are happy to continue as is. A comment left on Dr. Tucker’s blog stated, “I kind of think it’s a little sad how our literacy can be judged by technology now instead of how well we read and write.” (Amanda, 2014). Whether this resistance comes from believing that new literacies are less important than our traditional literacies, or from the uncomfortableness that comes with change, many individuals simply just do not want to change despite the changing world around us.

Photo by Deniz Altindas on Unsplash

After looking into many articles and reading the various opinions and perceptions around the changing literacies, I feel the knowledge I have gained in EDCI 410 taking shape and solidifying. The various readings and discussions we have done constantly popped up in my mind while reading other people’s thoughts. The thing that kept coming back to me was something from the Cope and Kalantzis reading. They stated that, “The kind of person who can live well in this world is someone who has acquired the capacity to navigate from one domain of social activity to another, who is resilient in their capacity to articulate and enact their own identities and who can find ways of entering into dialogue with and learning new and unfamiliar social languages” (2009). I think we need to teach all domains to an individual because none of them work independently of one another. As Cope and Kalantzis said, “…written language is not going away. It is just becoming more closely intertwined with the other modes…” (2009). The world is changing and there is no denying that we must be willing to adapt and change with it. Due to the changing nature of communication, we must become multiliterate and be able to comfortably move from one domain to another in order to succeed. I think the views of those who are hesitant are valid; however, I believe if we have a growth mindset and take to time to train ourselves in the areas we are not as comfortable, and if we provide a balance and incorporate all domains in our everyday learning and living, that our changing literacies can only benefit us.

The last thing I want to leave you with is this TedTalk. If you have time, and are interested, check out this TedTalk that looks at why and how we can reinvent education for our digital age, and the benefits it will have for individuals and society.

Photo Credits: Header photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


Amanda. (2014, October 14). I kind of think it’s a little sad how our literacy can be judged by technology now instead of how. [comment on the post “The Defintion of Literacy is changing”]. Dr. Catilin Tucker

Carter, B. (2018, September 29). As a current (and future) educator, I see more benefits coming from having and using technology in the classroom. [comment on the post “The Definition of Literacy is Changing”]. Dr. Catilin Tucker

Cope, B. & Kalantzis, M. (2009). â€śMultiliteracies”: New Literacies, New Learning, Pedagogies: An International Journal, 4:3, 164-195, DOI: 10.1080/15544800903076044

Liberman, W. (2018, May 24). Are Teachers Afraid of Technology? Education for Today and Tomorrow | L’Education Aujourd’hui et Demain. 

Loewus, L. (2016, November 3). How Should Reading Be Taught in a Digital Era? Education Week.

Middlebeck, D. (2019, October). Re-Inventing Education for the Digital Age. [Video]. TED.

Tucker, C. (2014, October 6). The Definition of Literacy is Changing. Dr Catlin Tucker. 

Yienger, M. E. (2016, March 1). Too Much Tech Harms Reading Retention in Young Children. Inquiries Journal. 

**Please note WordPress does not allow you to do hanging indents for APA formatting**

Peer Review

In attempts to keep this organized and straightforward, I will go through your learning resource heading by heading and make my comments this way.

Overview of the Resource

  • Very clear description that explains what you will be covering in this unit and why
  • Good job incorporating multiple sources
  • Spelling suggestion: switch the “a” before vocabulary to “the” in this sentence – “Learning about perimeter gives students a vocabulary and problem-solving skills relevant to measurement that is valuable in life beyond the classroom.”

Learning Theory and Design

  • Great choice in going with constructivism for your lesson. I think this will be especially beneficial with a math lesson as the students will be able to construct a deep understanding of measurements and their relationships. With constructivism, students relate information to prior knowledge which will help them create a concrete understanding of these essential math concepts. In addition, I think your use of various learning styles will be beneficial to the students overall learning. 
  • It seems to me that there may be a spelling error in this sentence. “Finally, we have used the experiential learning model promoting learning through reflecting and doing to design hands-on, “real world” activities for our students to complete.” The part that says “and doing to design hands-on” does not seem clear to me. Perhaps you could rephrase this sentence to say something like “Finally, we have used the experiential learning model to promote learning through hands-on activities and reflection.” 
  • Finally, it may be worth considering a second source in this section but that is totally up to you guys!


  • Grammar correction: there should be a comma after “To remove barriers that these students may experience”
  • I love that you are incorporating images, audio etc. This will definitely help students with dyslexia but will also improve understanding for everyone as a whole


I think your chosen technology makes perfect sense and your rational explains how it will benefit the class. Great job!

Examples of Topics

  • It seems to me that subtopics 2 and 3 have a run on sentence. I would recommend putting a period where the first semicolon is in both and start a new sentence as the two sentences can stand alone by themselves.


  • In your explanation of perimeter there should be a comma after “When students are presented with objects that are irregular”
  • Great choices for misconceptions and I love the diagrams you included!

Curricular Connections

  • Good use of the BC curriculum! 
  • No work needed here!!

Layout Plan

Essential Questions:

Your essential questions are very clear and well-articulated!

Learning Outcomes:
  • It seems to me that many of your learning outcome have multiple verbs that they are assessing. As we talked about in week 3, each objective should have one verb. You may want to consider switching your outcomes so that you are only assessing one aspect in each. For example, in your lesson 3 outcome, you say student will be able to define and demonstrate. What happens if a student can define, but not demonstrate? Are they demonstrating mastery if they can only do one or the other? This makes the assessment aspect tricky.
  • Another example of how you can make your outcomes more concise would be by changing your outcome for lesson 5 so it only includes one’s verb, preferably one from the highest level of Bloom’s taxonomy as it is your biggest assessment piece. Perhaps you could reword this objective to say something like, “Using the various knowledge gained throughout the unit, students will formulate answers to real world problems.”. Using the word formulate allows you to assess the highest level in blooms taxonomy while keeping it concise and only assessing one variable.

For further reading and guidance on these comments, I encourage you to take another look at this resource from week 3!


Great work on the activities and assessment everyone! Your activities clearly relate to, and assess, your learning outcomes. I appreciate that you incorporated a lot of formative assessment before doing a final summative assessment piece. In addition, I can see various forms of interaction taking place throughout you plan which include student-student interaction, student-teacher interaction, and interaction with both materials and technology. Your use of technology is concise and shows clear benefits including the advantages it has for inclusive learning. I think your activities and assessment are very strong!

            Spelling and Grammar Corrections:

– Lesson 1 activity (a) description: comma after “When the student’s demonstration of measurement is correct”

– Lesson 1 activity (b) description: “In the same groups of 3-4 students will each find four items that will fit into a pencil box” – perhaps consider rewording? You could switch this to say, “each will” instead of “will each”.

-Lesson 1 activity (b) description: comma after “Once the students have their list”

-Lesson 2 activity (a) description: remove the “a” before teacher-led slides in the first sentence Lesson 2 activity (a) description: In the last sentence, add in “the” before saying Nearpod cork board feature

-Lesson 3 assessment: “Throughout the lesson there are a number of formative assessment tools, such as answering prompts on a corkboard and answering questions on short quizzes in the app.” – comma after lesson, no comma after tools

Final Comments

  • I love the template you guys used! Is there any way you could share the blank template with me for future reference?  
  • This is a really great lesson plan. Your activities are fun and hands-on which I think will really draw the students in. I particularly like the creating a zoo activity. I think you guys made really good use of technology and made sure to address inclusion every step along the way. I think if you touch up your learning outcomes your resource will be full proof and ready for use!

Photo Credits: Header photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash


Great video! This video would definitely be a good tool to incorporate into a lesson about descriptive language. I agree that this video would require some sort of prior knowledge as the time for thinking is brief. As a result, I agree that this would be most beneficial after an introduction of description language has been done. It would be a good way to reinforce the information and provide a self-assessment opportunity for students.

You mentioned incorporating this with the create your own monster activity which I think is a great idea! Another idea of an activity that could be done with this is a worksheet that prompts students to create their own short sentences based on specific headings that correlate with the video. For example, the video talks about how adjectives are used to describes nouns. The worksheet could provide a sentence stem followed by blank spaces that are labelled “noun”, “adjective”, “verb” etc. where students fill in the blanks with their own examples and ideas.

Overall, I think this video is a good tool to compliment other parts and aspects of a lesson on descriptive language!


This video has a very clear explanation of what perimeter is. I think this video would be a good tool to use after the initial lesson on perimeter as it provides a visual of what perimeter is and allows students the opportunity to check in with themselves and do a self-assessment to see where they are at.

I think your idea for a designed interaction activity is great! Having students take the knowledge they have gained from the video and then go out and practice measuring stuff is a perfect way to create an active learning environment where students are working hands on to solidify their knowledge and understanding.

You mentioned using formative assessment for this which I think is a good idea. I personally think this activity is perfect for both formative and summative assessment! You could use this as a formative assessment first, and then have a final worksheet on it that is submitted for summative assessment.

Videos are a great way to help create an inclusive environment! As you mentioned, the video has subtitles which are good for learners who learn better from text. In addition, these subtitle can be autogenerated in to countless different languages which can help ELL learners! Another great thing about videos is that they allow students to return to them in their own time for further learning and support if they need/want.

Overall I think this is a good video that would be beneficial for teaching perimeter. I also think that the students would love Moby the robot!

Photo Credits: Header photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

My chosen video:

For my video, I chose this fun rap that talks about descriptive language and how we can use our senses to create images and vivid pictures. This video does not force the students to respond in any way. Instead, this video takes a more learner-generated approach where a fun song is provided in hopes that, “…users may voluntarily interact with the medium, either cognitively and/or through some physical response.” (Bates, 2019). By providing a fun and catchy song, students may internalize information and remember it more as it is something that recruits their interest. It has also been shown that, “…active engagement with music can impact the way that the brain can process information, enhancing the perception of language and speech…” (American Institutes for Research, n.d.). 

Photo by Solstice Hannan on Unsplash

Since this video does not have any inherent interaction, after would be a perfect time for designed interaction. As a teacher, you could implement any activity that centers around descriptive language. One of my initial ideas would be to get students to write a short paragraph or song describing a single event, real or fictional, using descriptive language. This would require students to slow down time, focus on a single moment, and use descriptive language. Without slowing down time in writing, the text is often rushed and reads as an agenda or list-like form. Slowing down time is a critical writing skill as it allows the writer to create a piece that flows eloquently. It allows them to create ideas that are fully developed, which in turn, lets the readers visualize, use their senses, and make connections to the text. This activity would flow and connect nicely with this video as the narrator in the video describes various single moments such as when he was at the beach in Puerto Rico. This activity could be done in various ways depending on your classes needs. It could be a written response, a response done through the use of technology, or a spoken response. This allows for the action and expression pillar from the UDL Guidelines to be enhanced by using multiple tools for construction, composition, and communication and allowing for various methods of response (CAST, 2018). Another idea that comes to mind is getting students acquainted with putting their senses into words through the use of a tactile activity. In this activity you would gather different items that students can experience with their senses. This could include things with different textures such as a soft feather and goopy silly putty, things that make different sounds, things with different smells and tastes etc. Hide the items in paper bags and have students describe what they are sensing with words. This is a great activity for enhancing the representation pillar from the UDL Guidelines as it, “…[provides] information through different modalities.” (CAST, 2018) in an active learning environment. This activity would work with verbal communication as its medium with a potential writing/typing piece if desired.

Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

Both of these activities are great in terms of assessment. With the writing piece, you could easily turn this into a writer’s workshop, which I went into great detail about is post 2. This would provide a chance for student-student interactions through the use of collaboration and peer editing, student-teacher interactions through the conferencing opportunity, and student-self interactions through the self-reflection that occurs after feedback has been received. Students would benefit from the various interactions and feedback, while teachers would benefit from seeing where the students are at, where they may need additional guidance etc. This activity would allow for both formative and summative assessment opportunities through the use of conferencing and a final submission (if desired). On the other side of the spectrum, the tactile activity would be a good opportunity for formative assessment. In this activity, teachers could gain a good sense of student’s current knowledge and abilities and see where they need further support and work with the content. These activities provide chances for both formative and summative assessments, as well as the use of various mediums. It is up to the teacher to decide what they feel is best for their current class, situation etc. and what they feel aligns best with the learning outcomes they are aiming to assess.

I personally really like this video and appreciate how it does not force a response from students but instead allows for learner-generated responses; however, if I were to make a suggestion for how this video could be more interactive, I would suggest potentially removing some of the descriptive language and leaving it blank for students to fill in with their own ideas. This would create more of an inherent approach although some students may still choose not to answer. I personally think altering this video to make it more interactive would actually take away from its effectiveness. I think it would be more effective to use it as fun tool to get learner-generated responses flowing and then pairing it with a designed activity afterwards.

If anyone is interested in reading more about why music can be beneficial in the classroom and for students learning, I have found a short article that lists some major benefits and discusses some strategies for incorporation. I wanted to include this as the video I chose centres around music! Hope you enjoy!


American Institutes for Research. (n.d.). How does music benefit your classroom or school community the most? National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments.

Bates, A.W. (2019). Teaching in a Digital Age – Second Edition. Vancouver, B.C.: Tony Bates Associates Ltd. Retrieved from

CAST (2018). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.2. Retrieved from

ProSolutions Training. (n.d.). The benefits of music in the classroom. ProSolutions Training. 

Photo Credits: Header photo by Dylan Gillis


I absolutely love the GRR model. I too was in a class taught by Robin Wilmot and ever since her class I have been so passionate about things like scaffolding and the GRR model. They have definitely had a lasting impact on me and I am glad to see that others feel the same way! I think your groups use of the GRR model to teach perimeter will be really helpful for students while also giving you (or the other teachers) a great chance to assess where individuals are at and whether more support and practice is needed before progressing.

I love your groups focus on master-orientated feedback! My group has been very centred around this as well as we too feel it is critical to student development and success. I am curious as to what kinds of formative assessment you guys are using for your lesson. I do not have much personal experience with formative assessments in math so I am very interested in hearing more about this! Any chance you want to share? If not I look forward to reading about it more in your learning resource.

You have linked some great resources here! I have seen the Ross Greene video and absolutely love it; however, I have not seen the video that uses bowling as a metaphor for classroom learning and inclusivity. Very cool. I will definitely remember that one. The idea of hitting the harder pins and how this relates the Universal Design for Learning is so accurate and impactful.

In reference to the question you posed about healthy communication, I agree 100%. I think of this in terms of emotional literacy. Emotional Literacy is, “…the ability to read (identify), label, understand and act upon the feelings (emotions) of oneself and others in a healthy and socially acceptable manner.” (Buschbacher, 2019). This allows individuals to understand their own, as well as others, peoples feelings, self-regulate, and communicate effectively. I think when we teach emotional literacy in the classroom, it teaches students how to understand their feelings and what they need, and communicate it more efficiently. By teaching emotional literacy, I think we can accomplish the “culture of healthy communication” that you mention in your blog! I have linked an article below that I really like. It talks about emotional literacy and offers a variety of ideas for how to help teach and promote emotional literacy in the classroom! Have a read if you are interested and let me what you think.


Buschbacher, P. (2019, July 5). What is Emotional Literacy? . Continued.

Elias, M. J. (2017, July 18). Helping Children Develop Emotional Literacy. Edutopia. 


Very interesting read this week. I agree that with the technology we have these days, working and learning from home is definitely possible. I like the two categories you split this post up into – employee enthusiasm and difficulties surrounding training. When you discussed employee enthusiasm and motivation, you mentioned having some sort of incentive and/or regulation(s). To me this sounds like it plays along the lines of behaviourism, would you agree? I think the incentive and/or regulations could be effective in creating motivation in employees; however, I wonder if there is any way to create more intrinsic motivation. What do you think? Do you think it is possible and if so, how? Do you think this would cultivate more long term success and happiness within the work sphere?

In terms of the difficulties surrounding training individuals, I agree that there are many more supports these days that can be utilized to increase efficiency. As you mentioned, the use of video, mentors, and online platforms for meeting are all great tools; however, my one concern is training that involves more hands-on work. This may not be applicable to you, but your post got me thinking about how this effects jobs and workers who need to be taught something that is hands-on. For example, learning how to do plumbing by watching a video is much more difficult than learning how to use online spread sheets from a video. I wonder what these type of work places think about online learning/working and how they are dealing with the adversity. 

Anyways, thanks for listening to my thoughts and questions and for getting me thinking about some different things!!

Photo Credits: Header photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

Universal design for learning is the idea of designing with the awareness of potential barriers in mind. It is going into planning with the mindset of “how can I create the least number of barriers possible in order to make this effective for everyone?” Thinking back, I remember there was a time in high school where I had an accident at volleyball practice that left me with a scratched cornea. I went to my history class the following day and I was having a hard time seeing the pictures that were displayed on the board with our lecture notes. As a result, I felt like my ability and opportunity for learning drastically decreased. My teacher was very understanding and later printed me out a copy of the notes and pictures so I could view it up closer with less harsh light, or view it when my eye healed; however, in the moment I felt so hopeless. Imagine someone who has to manage with something like this all the time. Imagine someone who just learns differently. It is not that I did not have capacity or ability to understand the material, but the way in which it was presented to me in that moment was a barrier. 

If you have time take a look at the TedTalk by Michael Nesmith. It does a great job explaining what the Universal Design for Learning is all about and why we need it.

When creating a lesson, we need to consider the potential barriers that can obstruct the success of individuals. How can we create lessons and content that is accessible to everyone? Originally, I had never thought of creating with the idea of barriers in mind; however, now that I am using this mindset, I think there are various things my group could put in place to help reduce barriers in our blueprint. In order to portray this in a clear way, I will go over the UDL pillars of engagement, representation, and action and expression in their own paragraphs below. 

To begin, I would like to start with the pillar of engagement. The pillar of engagement refers to providing, “…a variety of pathways into the learning environment and supporting self-efficacy.” (James, 2021). I want to start with this pillar as to me, it is the foundation of the learning environment. The engagement pillar is critical as it covers things like student engagement, the classroom atmosphere, motivation, and self-regulation. I feel my group has done a really good job establishing a basis for optimizing individual choice, scaffolding, and providing mastery-orientated feedback; however, there are a couple of things in this section that I had not considered before. The first thing that I think is important is to, “Minimize threats and distraction.” (CAST, 2018). As a group, we may need to consider ways to ensure this is in place, especially if we want to do a writer’s workshop in the unit. In order for a writer’s workshop to be effective, students need to feel safe and comfortable and trust their classmates and classroom environment. If they do not feel safe, there is a good chance they will not be willing to fully participate and share their work. In addition, another change we recently made (based on the recommendation of Heidi) was adding in a self-assessment piece in order to support the check points around motivation, self-regulation, and developing self-assessment and reflection. I think with this now in place, we have a much stronger assessment section and are working towards tearing down potential barriers. 

By The Applicious Teacher on TeachersPayTeachers

Next, we have the representation pillar. Although I feel my group has done a good job covering a lot of the checkpoints in this section, the perception, as well as the language and symbols section, have sparked some ideas for things we may want to add in. The main thing I think we should consider adding is an anchor chart that has various examples of adjectives paired with a symbol or picture. This allows for clarification of vocabulary, as well as alternatives for both visual and auditory information, all of which have their own individual checkpoint in the UDL Guidelines (CAST, 2018). This could work in tandem with my comment in the engagement section about creating a safe classroom environment and fostering community and collaboration. By working as a class at the beginning of the unit to create this anchor chart, we can, “Involve all participants in whole class discussions” and “Create an accepting and supportive classroom climate.” (CAST, 2018).

Finally, when considering the action and expression pillar, there are a collection of things that I think could be added to help promote learning. One of the most important things that stood out to me in section is the need to, “Vary the methods for response and navigation.” (CAST, 2018). A lot of my groups current blueprint centers around physically writing out information. It may be good for us to consider alternative ways for students to represent their knowledge such as using technology or speaking to convey their understanding. This would also satisfy the, “Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies.” (CAST, 2018) checkpoint by offering access to things like keyboards, alternative keyboards, speech-to-text options, and more. By instilling this into our blueprint, we would be providing students with the opportunity to show their learning in various ways while also encouraging and supporting the “Use [of] multiple tools for construction and composition.” (CAST, 2018). This supports their growth in multiple areas, provides practice with various tools, and better prepares them for their future. 

Overall, the UDL guidelines are a reference worth considering when planning in order to create lessons, tools, and an environment that lifts everyone up. When we try to create something with minimal barriers, we benefit not just those who need it, but everyone around us. This is the power of designing for inclusion.


CAST (2018). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.2. Retrieved from

James, Heidi. (2021, May 5). Universal Design. EDCI 335 – Learning Design for Technology-Mediated Environments

Nesmith, M.A. (2016, October 13). Why We Need Universal Design [Video]. TED.

Photo Credits: Header photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash


I really enjoyed reading your blog post this week! I was super excited to see you talk about scaffolding as it is something I am super passionate about. I did an inquiry project on scaffolding and agree with you that if there is a carefully scaffolded plan in place, it really helps aid in the learning experience and set everyone up for success! I really enjoyed the video you attached and how it talks about utilizing various different methods for teaching. I think a lot of the time we get stuck in the mindset of only being able to use one approach but why not use multiple? There is nothing saying we have to stick with one approach and one approach only. I think using various teaching approaches allows us to accommodate diverse situations and needs. One method is not going to work for every situation. Sometimes students will benefit more from experiential learning, however, sometimes they need direct instruction first. By allowing ourselves to use multiple teaching methods we have more room to create lessons and environments for our students to succeed. I am really looking forward to seeing your interactive learning resource on perimeter! It will be exciting to get some ideas that I can potentially incorporate in my future classroom. Good luck to you and your group with the rest of the assignment and I look forward to reading it! 


One of the reasons I chose to respond to your blog this week was in order to answer the question you posed in response to my blog! I definitely see the connections between direct instruction and experiential learning (which I noted in my above response to Chloe). I think that students can greatly benefit from having a period of direct instruction and then having the opportunity to connect it to an experience after. In addition, although I do not have any personal experience utilizing inquiry-based learning yet, I definitely think that experiential learning could compliment inquiry-based learning as well. By having students embark on an inquiry and then finding a way for them to experience aspects of the inquiry, I think it could create really concrete understandings that are long lasting and useful. Thanks for posing these questions! What do you think in terms of experiential learning being used in tandem with inquiry-based learning? 

In response to your blog, I really like the diagram you included as it a great visual that clearly explains the concept of direct instruction in a very simple and quick way. By looking at this diagram I am able to see and understand direct instruction within seconds! It is very effective. I appreciated how you dove into two different definitions/perspectives of what people believe direct instruction is. I am wondering if you feel more connected to Cook, Holland, and Slemrod’s perspective or Flores and Ganz’s perspective? I personally have experienced Flores and Ganz extreme view of direct instruction in classrooms before; however, when I think of direct instruction now, I try to view it with Cook, Holland, And Slemrod’s perspective as I think direct instruction can be beneficial if done correctly. 

Finally, I 100% agree with your explanation of how our blueprint utilizes direct instruction. Although it is not the main focus of our design, it definitely has a role in it. I think its role is necessary in order to benefit the students and support their learning of a new concept. I agree that direct instruction will, and should, have its place in our interactive learning resource.

Photo Credits: Header photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

Prompt 2

Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

Experiential learning is a holistic approach to learning where individuals are provided with opportunity to experience and interact with information in order to develop a deeper understanding and connection to the material. It is a, “…’direct encounter with the phenomena being studied rather than merely thinking about the encounter, or only considering the possibility of doing something about it.'” (Smith, 2001). Throughout the years, many people have spoken about their interpretation of experiential learning. While everyone has a unique perspective on experiential learning, there are two main characteristics that persist: (a) “Experiential learning is an active process which engages the learner, not a passive process that happens to the learner.”, and (b) There is period of, “careful analysis and reflection of the experience [that] develops the learning.” (Experiential Learning Organization, n.d.). Experiential learning has roots in constructivism as the learner is being actively involved in the learning process. Constructivists, “…look at the learner as more than just an active processor of information; the learner elaborates upon and interprets the given information.” (Ertmer, P. A. & Newby, T., 2018). This is precisely what experiential learning attempts to accomplish through experience and reflection. 

If you are looking for a further description of what experiential learning is and how it works, I would suggest checking out this short YouTube video! It makes many connections to how experiential learning works in various situations and why it works.

When reflecting on my groups design blueprint, I believe we have utilized experiential learning through our writers’ workshop activity. In our writers’ workshop, students get to experience the writing process. This begins with the mini lesson where students are presented with the lesson and provided with the basics they need to participate. During this time teacher will often use mentor texts, share their own writing, and teach other key components of the lesson. Often, mentor texts are used as it allows you to take stories that students listen to, connect with, and actually internalize/remember to introduce new writing techniques, to encourage imitation of writing styles and techniques, and to aid and help the students writing overall (Dorfman & Cappelli 2017). In addition to mentor texts, sharing your own writing is also important during this stage as it is a form of modelling which encourages students to try out new strategies and skills and allows students to see teachers as fellow writers rather than just teachers which makes them more comfortable and willing to explain their ideas (Dorfman & Cappelli, 2017) and go on the journey of writing with you. After a sufficient amount of information, modelling, and brainstorming has occurred, student then moves into the independent writing stage. From here, we progress into the conferencing stage where students get to actively receive feedback on their piece. This can be from either peers or the teacher. Finally, after this rigorous process has taken place, the final stage where students get to share the work occurs. 

Photo by Wavebreakmedia on depositphotos

We decided to use the writers’ workshop as it is an experiential learning opportunity that allows students to take on the role of an author. Through this exciting and engaging opportunity, students get the chance to deepen their understanding of concepts and solidify it by actively learning and making sense of it in relation to their experiences and how it relates to the world. We believe that through the writers’ workshop students are more likely to achieve mastery of these skills and progress towards becoming strong and confident writers. In addition to these benefits, the writers workshop also provides the teacher with the ability to scaffold instruction for efficient learning, as well as differentiate learning to meet students’ needs. As a result, the individualistic nature allows teachers to utilize various learning theories for various students, as well as progress throughout the theories as the individuals needs change and/or progress. Students can receive more help in specific areas or can be challenged further by the teacher as needed.

I believe my group will keep this section of our blueprint for our interactive learning resource as it is a great interactive tool that has many benefits. In addition, I would love to utilize the writers’ workshop, and various other experiential learning opportunities, in my future classrooms as a teacher! The benefits are limitless! This post has stirred excitement in me for what teaching could look like. I cannot wait to begin utilizing experiential learning and to dive deeper into the other learning theories through my peers posts and my own research in attempts to gain more ideas on how I can best help my students truly learn.  


Dorfman, L. R., & Cappelli, R. (2017). Mentor texts: Teaching writing through children’s literature, K-6 (2nd ed.). Stenhouse Publishers.

Ertmer, P. A. & Newby, T. (2018). Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism: Comparing Critical Features From an Instructional Design Perspective. In R. E. West (Ed.), Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology. EdTech Books.

Experiential Learning Organization. (n.d.). What is Experiential Learning? MTa Learning.

Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay. (2019, July 20). Pros and Cons of Writer’s Workshop in Elementary and Middle School: Teaching Writing Fast and Effectively! 

Sprouts. (2015, October 12). Experiential Learning: How We All Naturally Learn [Video]. YouTube. Experiential Learning: How We All Learn Naturally

Smith, M. K. (2001) ‘David A. Kolb on experiential learning’, the encyclopedia of informal education

Photo Credits: Header photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Community Contributions – Week 1


I definitely see where are you are coming from Megan; however, I do think that the previous classes that you (and I) have taken have resulted in a “confirmation bias” (Veritasium, 2011). The previous classes we were enrolled in seemed to paint behaviourism in a negative way and often didn’t consider the positive side of things. While I agree with your statement in the third paragraph about how individual’s basic needs and motivation are important, I think that they can still be accommodated within behaviourism if it is used efficiently. For example, if you were to be teaching a group of students new math concepts such as addition and subtraction, leaving them to try and figure this out on their own may not be effective. “What might be most effective for novice learners encountering a complex body of knowledge for the first time, would not be effective, efficient or stimulating for a learner who is more familiar with the content.” (Ertmer & Newby, 2018). This does not mean that you cannot include and use other theories in your practice as well. Maybe you use a combination of theories. Begin with behaviourism techniques for the initial lesson of a new concept and then move into inquiry-based project etc. In addition, I also believe that purposeful positive reinforcement can boost individual motivation. Verbal reinforcement and encouragement can be a great source of motivation especially if it is done purposely and not just to boost one’s ego. For example, if a student has a breakthrough with something they were really struggling with and you offer purposeful praise concerning their learning, the process they took, and how hard they worked, this can be very meaningful to them. This is straight out of the behaviourist handbook! I totally see where you are coming from and often struggle with the same thoughts and questions; but, I think we have to take the time to remind ourselves of the potential benefits of behaviourism as well. Pulling certain beneficial aspects from each of the learning theories can create a productive learning environment where students can prosper.


Ertmer, P. A. & Newby, T. (2018). Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism: Comparing Critical Features From an Instructional Design Perspective. In R. E. West (Ed.), Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology. EdTech Books.

Veritasium. (2011, March 17). Khan Academy and the Effectiveness of Science Videos [Video]. YouTube. Khan Academy and the Effectiveness of Science Videos


Breanne, I loved hearing about your experiences! Not only were they insightful, but they provided me with some ideas I could utilize myself in my classroom. I loved the ideas you mentioned for teaching students about blood. Super cool! 

I agree with you that growing up most classrooms seemed to centre around a behaviourist model. I too have experienced similar systems to the card system you mentioned. I recently saw a classroom that had everyone’s name on the board, and they would slide the names up and down to different categories which consisted of excellent, good, average, poor, and very poor behaviour. Names would get slid up and down in front of the whole class based on how students were behaving. To me, this does not seem like a good way to meet students’ needs of psychological safety and belongingness. As you mentioned in your final statement of this paragraph, I completely agree that we cannot fully break away from the behaviourist theory of learning, and sometimes it is even necessary, but there are appropriate times to use it in a way that’s beneficial.  

I really appreciate your final statement in the third paragraph about how allowing individuals to learn in their own way allows them to succeed and get the most out of their learning opportunities. We are all unique individuals, and we all learn differently. In an interview I did with a behavioural specialist from Alberta, she told me that her teaching philosophy was that every student learns differently. It is not fair to them for us to expect to teach one way and have everyone pick it up. It is our job as teachers to learn about each student, find their strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles, and teach towards that. She explained that teaching in multiple ways such as showing a video clip, lectures, hands on work, incorporating movement, etc. as much as possible with each lesson can provide students with the chance to showcase their strengths, find an outlet that they actually enjoy and are engaged in, and help their overall learning experience. 

Finally, I agree that each theory has its place and can be utilized in a beneficial way. For me personally, I plan on utilizing all these in an intertwining way in attempts to create a classroom environment that meets everyone’s needs and helps individuals learn and prosper. For me, I would like to use constructivism but am still a little fuzzy on how to execute this in a classroom with young students. This is something I would like to look into further! If you have any insights or resources that would be helpful, please feel free to share them with me!

Photo Credits: Header photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash