Well, after all of the hard work and practicing, this project is finally coming to an end! I have to say, I am pretty proud of myself. From learning how to play piano while singing, to harmonizing, to figuring out how to use GarageBand, to learning a moderately difficult piano piece in a short amount of time, I think I have accomplished a lot and I have much to be proud of.

This project was such a great experience! At first, I did not know what to expect or what I was going to try to accomplish. I am pretty musical so when I originally thought about this project, I was not sure what I was going to do to push myself. Although I was originally skeptical, this project has pushed me to try things I was not comfortable with and has helped me progress and develop musically. I want to thank my music teach, Hector Vazquez, for providing me with the challenge and opportunity to grow.

As you know, the second half of this assignment, following the midterm demonstrations, was dedicated to learning Sonatina in G major by Muzio Clementi. Over the past couple of weeks, I was not sure if I would be able to accomplish this in time; however, I somehow pulled it off! It is not perfect. It is not as smooth and fluent as I would like it to be, and the dynamics are not fully intact, but I have finished the piece. Considering I was not sure if I would even be able to finish it, I would say this is a win. So, without further ado, here it is. The finale… Enjoy!

Photo Credits: Header photo by David Brooke Martin